Funding Eligibility


  • Organizations applying for funds must be tax exempt under sections 501 (c)(3) or 170 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code and be classified as a public charity under section 509 (a) of the Code.
  • Organizations assisting individuals with health and wellness in at least one of the thirteen zip codes listed below.
  • Organizations and agencies may submit only one application during the annual funding window which will begin January 1 and end December 31. 
  • Organizations that have been previously funded must be current on their required reports.

Tomball Regional Health Foundation supports:

Currently, TRHF’s service territory covers the following 13 zip codes:

  • 77064
  • 77070
  • 77354
  • 77355
  • 77362
  • 77375
  • 77377
  • 77379
  • 77389
  • 77429
  • 77433
  • 77447
  • 77484

TRHF provides funding to the zip code areas shaded white.

Tomball Regional Health Foundation Zip Map 2023 06


  • Grants for religious purposes
  • Pass-through grants
  • Underwriting or contributions to luncheons, galas and social fundraisers
  • Grants for major medical research projects
  • Requests for individual scholarships
  • Major arts organizations
  • Grants supporting candidates for political office, political parties or PACs
  • International organizations
  • Grants to local, national or international organizations’ annual giving or holiday campaigns
  • Grants to 509 (a) (3) Type III supporting organizations


                           Funding Application